Therapeutic laser FAQ
Therapeutic laser, also called cold laser therapy and low level light therapy (LLLT), is a safe, painless, noninvasive treatment modality for many common equine conditions, including:
Poorly healing wounds and post-operative incisions
Arthritis, such as hock and coffin joint arthritis
Ringbone, navicular syndrome
Back soreness and sacroiliac (SI) pain
Muscle pain, tension, and spasms
Nerve injuries, such as Sweeny and radial neuropathy
Tendon and ligament injuries
Dr. Reed also utilizes therapeutic laser in the form of laser-acupuncture, which has the same benefits of dry-needle acupuncture, for the treatment of needle-shy patients!
Laser therapy stimulates a process called photobiomodulation. When the laser is directed toward tissue (skin, muscle, tendon, etc.) photons produced by the laser are absorbed by the tissue cells increasing the production of cellular energy (Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP). This process not only leads to decreased pain, but also increased healing.
Equipuncture provides therapeutic laser services with a Class 1M Super Pulsed laser. This super pulse technology provides short bursts of these photons, which allows for deep penetration into the tissue without pain or risk of thermal injury.
Frequency of treatment and number of treatments varies based on the condition and individual being treated, however improvements are often noticed after the first session. In general, acute (newer) conditions require fewer treatments than chronic (older) conditions. Some chronic conditions, such as arthritis, require regular maintenance therapeutic laser sessions for pain management.